We have hit the tail end of the summer season. The kids have gone back to school and all is quiet….for the moms and dads. As we wrap up summer and look towards the fall, some are already gearing up to put out the fall decor, while the rest of us are in denial that summer is just about over. Here are a few things you can do to keep your mind off of the imminent end of our warm season.
Clean, clean, clean
During the summer months, your outdoor patio furniture and accessories have been through a lot. Scrub down your furniture and wash those outdoor cushions. Let your cushions air dry before storing them away until next year. Grilling season may not be entirely over but it’s still a good time to get in a good deep cleaning. Warm up your grill first and then scrub with a wire grill brush. To get them really cleaned up, place your grill grates into a bucket of warm soapy water and let sit for a few minutes before scrubbing. Your grill will be sparkling like new and ready to enjoy a few more outdoor barbecues before the real cold sets in. Clean your gardening tools to make sure they are good to go for the next gardening season. Scrub and dry them to prevent rusting.
Beautify your home
Looking to refresh your landscape? This is the time of year when mums become available at your local nursery. These make great container plants and can be placed anywhere there is full sun. Repot them into new planters and give them plenty of water to ensure successful and colorful blooms into the Fall. Start deadheading and harvesting other flowers to encourage growth and maintain their neat appearance. Repair any pet damage in your yard. Fill those holes dug and fix those patches in your lawn. Secure all containers, lawn furniture and structures to keep them from getting knocked over. A great way to refresh your home is new paint. Check for any chipping on trim, decking or siding and touch up any blemishes with fresh paint. Or even change the color completely, if you are feeling bold!
Check outdoor cord connections and outlets
Frequently check your outdoor outlets for any wear or corrosion. If you see any, it’s time for a replacement. Be sure all your outdoor outlets have the required weather resistant closures so your cords can be plugged in while also being protected from the elements. If you’re making connections for water features or outdoor lighting, protect your outdoor extension cord connections. Keeping your extension cord connections will keep your yard and family safe and ensure that the power continues to run efficiently the entire summer.